Clearing the decks
In Step 3 of our four-part strategy on how to organize your jewellery, we look at respectfully finding a new purpose for your old treasures. We’ll look at those emotional pieces that you’d like to gift, and also find a new life for your perfectly good jewellery that no longer “sparks joy” for you.
Did you miss the earlier steps? Follow this link for step one - Out with the old or use this link to see step 2 - curating your jewellery collection.
Gifting to someone special
Let’s start with those precious pieces and heirlooms that you would like to gift to that special person. Looking at each piece you probably know who you have in mind and for what occasion. But how do you look after them in the meantime, and make sure you don't forget about them all together?
Have a look at our suggestions for organizing, storing and remembering your gifts in time.
- Store the piece in the original box if you have it, or in a small plastic grip seal bags like these. Especially silver and 9k gold do better when stored in an airtight bag to avoid tarnishing.
- Label the box or bag with the name of the recipient and date or occasion of the gift.
- We love e-calendars like google calendar or outlook to help us remember our gifts: you can put in an appointment for the special date (or the year) you intend to gift the piece. With e-calendars you can literally schedule years ahead!
Tip: Consider setting an appointment reminder 2 months in advance. That way you’ll have plenty of time to retrieve your gift and if necessary have it cleaned or serviced. Of course if you prefer pen and paper make a list that you can stick in the back of your yearly planner so you have it close to hand when special occasions roll around.

- Store all your gifts in a separate box out of the way. An unassuming shoe box at the top of your wardrobe should do the trick. However if the gifts are of high value (or it’s adding up), you might want to look into storing them in a safe deposit box like those at sentinel vaults. Remember to use the code DESIGNYARD BOX for a special discount on your safe deposit box.
Rewarding ideas for a new home.
- If you have high value pieces or important silver jewellery that you’re ready to let go of, consider putting them into one of our fine jewellery auctions. You can use the proceeds towards a new piece (more on this in step 4), or contemplate investing in gold bullion with Sentinel vaults.
Our next auction is the Christmas Jewellery Auction and takes place at the end of November. We’re accepting consignments until the end of October. Book an appointment to find out more about consigning a piece to auction.
- Here’s a feel-good option for rehoming your perfectly good jewellery - especially simple silver items and your fun fashion jewellery: think about dropping them into your favourite charity shop.
You’ll be contributing to raising funds for the charity, taking part in the recycling economy by finding new life for your unwanted items, and sparking joy for the lucky finder!

- Even broken costume jewellery and beads have purpose - they can make welcome additions for art projects. Ask your crafty nieces and nephews or maybe the local arts and craft schools.
IMPORTANT: Do check with the responsible adults first, to make sure they are appropriate for the age group.
Having cleared the decks of most of your jewellery clutter clutter you should be left with a few very special emotional pieces that you want to keep but - lets face it - will never wear. We have a few suggestions for how to handle these priceless items in our final step in this four-part strategy called Treat yourself.