Do you have a special person with a birthday in December? They are in for a treat! If you're looking for a meaningful birthday gift for someone in December we have some really unusual pieces lined up for you at DesignYard. As December has three birthstones - Turquoise, Zircon and Tanzanite - you'll find lots of options, so let's get started.


Turquoise is one of the world's oldest gems and has been used in jewellery for thousands of years. It came to Europe via Turkey and is also known as Turkey stone. Mined in Iran for over 1000 years the prized even-coloured, intense blue turquoise from this region is dubbed “robin’s egg blue,” “sky blue” and “Persian blue”.

Stephanie Robinson - 14k Yellow Gold Natural Turquoise Drop Earrings - DESIGNYARD, Dublin Ireland.Turquoise is also popular in native American Navajo jewellery, ranging from intense blues to greens and often showing interesting patterns of matrix stone. Turquoise found in the U.S.A. tends to be named for the mines in which it was found, for example the Golden Hills Turquoise bangle below. Turquoise is said to bring the wearer good fortune and to be a stone of protection - signalling danger by changing colour or even breaking.

Stephanie Robinson - Silver 22k Yellow Gold Golden Hills Turquoise Bangle - DESIGNYARD, Dublin Ireland.


Not to be confused with the man-made cubic zirconium found in cheaper jewellery - Zircon is a rare and gorgeous natural gem that is known for its exceptional refraction and fire, second only to that of a diamond. In fact clear zircon is often found in estate jewellery as a diamond simulant. Besides the clear variety, Zircon comes in a variety of colours ranging from yellow, green, red, and reddish brown, to blue hues. For example Angela Hübel uses Blue Zircon in her spectacular Treasure Island ring.

Angela Hubel - 18k Rose Gold Treasure Island Blue Zircon statement Ring - DESIGNYARD no. 1 for contemporary jewellery, Dublin Ireland.

Photograph 1 of Hannah Bedford's 18k Yellow Gold Blue Zircon Cluster Earrings. Available on and in our Jewellery shop Dublin, Ireland.

Angela Hubel - 18k Rose Gold Brown Zircon Shooting Star statement Necklace - DESIGNYARD contemporary jewellery Dublin Ireland.


The deep violet blue Tanzanite is a recent gem discovery and is the latest addition to the December group. In 1967 a Masai tribesman stumbled upon a cluster of highly transparent, intense violet-to-blue crystals weathering out of the earth in Merelani, an area of northern Tanzania. Originally hoping they had found a new source of blue sapphire, it turned out to be an entirely new gem variety. The gem became an overnight success and is widely used in both fine jewellery and more casual designs.

Photograph 1 of Jean-Scott Moncrieff's Contemporary 18k Yellow Gold Double Oval Tanzanite Drop Statement Earrings. Available on and in our Jewellery Shop Dublin, Ireland. Free Worldwide Shipping with DHL.

Barbara Bertagnolli - 24k Yellow Gold Silver Tanzanite Diamond unique statement Ring - DESIGNYARD number 1 for contemporary jewellery Dublin Ireland.

Browse online or book your appointment to view the pieces in the gallery.

November 27, 2021 — Nicole van der Wolf